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National Vaccine Institute (NVI) marks its 10th anniversary of its establishment day on 11 August 2022.
NVI (Public Organization) was announced in under the Royal Decree of establishment of NVI (Public Organization) in the Thai Government Gazette on 11 August 2012 and then came into effect on 22 November 2018, by the National Vaccine security Act when institute became a public organization, the autonomous entity.
‘NVI is the focal national agency responsible for managing the country’s sustainable vaccine security by 2037,” explains NVI Director, Dr. Nakorn Premsri. “‘So the institute has been working to develop the country’s vaccine capability on vaccine self-reliance for a decade now.”
NVI’s purpose is to drive national vaccine security policies and strategies, ensure unified vaccine administration, promote, support, and conduct research and development, production and distribution of vaccines. Accordingly, it must ensure sufficient quantities and quality of vaccines. It must also develop a network of vaccine experts and coordinate with government sectors in Thailand and internationally to ensure provision of academic services and development of human resource.
”Over the past decade, NVI has facilitated and support the domestic partners on vaccine development in particular of prioritized diseases,” adds Dr. Nakorn. ‘Its activities include integrating vaccine supply and new vaccine reserves, improving mechanisms of vaccination in immunization programmes, developing a Vaccine Information and Management System (VIMS), and working on pandemic influenza preparedness, including supplying and supporting the development of COVID-19 vaccines in cooperation with concerned domestic and international agencies.
Since the beginning of COVID POLITICS support as network facilitator of all related sectors. SPECIAL REPORT approaches under the nation blueprint access to COV PR NEWS ais: 1) Promote supplying vaccines from abroad; 2) Supp ne production technology, and; 3) Promote research, development and production of vaccines in the country. All with the goal of ensuring that all Thais get the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other countries. Meanwhile, the country has the ability to conduct research, develop and produce vaccines by itself to prepare for possible pandemics in the future.
This year, the Institute has been designated as a “Program Management Unit” (PMU) in accordance with the announcement of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Policy in which the institute is responsible for the management of vaccine funding and the entire vaccine development cycle. This role is consistent with the objectives of the institute as the national non-profit and national vaccine agency.
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the institute on 11 August (2012-2022), the institute, as the national vaccines agency, has declared that it remains committed to driving the national vaccine security through the strong collaboration of related organizations. This will ensure that the country has adequate vaccines to serve all people citizens under both normal and emergency situations.
This is based on self-reliance and broad collaboration from all parties involved in the development of scientific and technological potential including vaccine management.
“What we learned from COVID-19 is that the country’s vaccine security is essential to the public health system, including infrastructure, human personnel for research and development and budget allocation for vaccines. As we face limitations in many areas, the institute has teamed up with vaccine network and international agencies in mobilizing collaboration in all aspects relating to vaccine development, working together in partnership will move us far in this long journey.”
Reference: bangkokpost.com